person is logging in to pinterest on both their phone and their computer

Prioritizing Pinterest: Why Wave is a Pinterest First Agency

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We talk a lot about being a Pinterest first agency. We strongly believe that Pinterest is the most important free marketing platform for businesses. There are a few things that make Pinterest stand out from other forms of social media. In fact, in many ways, Pinterest really isn’t social media at all.


When we started thinking about how we wanted our agency to be different, it was clear to us that focusing on Pinterest was going to help our clients get the results they were looking for.

Pinterest is the top source of referral traffic to a lot of websites, but traditional social media marketing strategies won’t work. That’s because Pinterest isn’t like traditional social media.

When we decided to form our social media agency, there were a few specific ideals we knew we wanted to incorporate:


  • Supporting small business owners
  • Helping mission-forward businesses
  • Building an audience authentically


Person holding an ipad logging into pinterest. On the table are drinks and donuts.

Small Businesses Thrive on Pinterest

Social media can be a scary place for small business owners to navigate on their own. Sometimes it can feel like the algorithm is working against you. Like you’re a small fish in a very large and overcrowded pond. With the effort needed to market your business online effectively, many small business owners struggle to get the recognition they deserve.


Arguably the best part of Pinterest is that it removes a lot of the factors that keep businesses from being successful on traditional social media. You don’t need a huge following or to stay on top of every changing trend for your content to be seen. Pinterest gives everyone a level playing field.


Businesses on a Mission

While the specifics of this came to us later, we realized that the clients we were most excited about working with had one thing in common: they run their business with a purpose.


Whether it was a woman helping other women take charge of their health or a small business owner trying to take his part-time passion to his full-time occupation (spoiler, he did it!), we both knew that was the core of what we wanted to be doing.


Wave believes that the best way to have your story told is to tell it yourself. Pinterest, in our opinion, is the best way to do that. It connects people back to your blog or website so they can see who you really are, what you stand for, and why they should do business with you.


Authenticity Becomes Trust

On most social media platforms, the content disappears over time. If you make an Instagram story, after 24 hours, it’s gone forever. If your audience is out there, but they don’t know about you yet, they’ll never get to see it.


Over time, authentic engagement with your audience builds trust. Unfortunately for many new or small businesses, they don’t have the audience to see it even if they have the content. Temporary content is built to be shown to the audience you already have, but what about the audience you’re trying to reach? The audience who doesn’t know about you yet?


With Pinterest, the content you make stays on the platform indefinitely. By knowing how your product or service can make their life better, you can start sharing about that on Pinterest from day one. This helps you build authenticity more quickly and without the need for a giant audience. People can see who you are from the second they see your pin in their feed, even if they aren’t following you. More authenticity equals more trust and seeing it right away means that trust might come more quickly, too.


Being Pinterest First

A big mistake we see people make with their social media marketing plan is not following the data. If you know Pinterest is your main referral source, why spend all your time creating content for Instagram?


One thing we love about Pinterest is that it puts the content creator at the core. The platform needs new, fresh content consistently to make the app better for its users. Pinterest, therefore, rewards businesses for posting their new ideas or content on the platform consistently.


People often miss that while this is true for all social media platforms, Pinterest’s users (called Pinners) come to the app usually for two reasons: to solve a problem or be inspired. It isn’t an entertainment app. Pinners are looking to take action. This is great news for businesses, especially mission-forward businesses.


The second thing people often miss is looking at the entire picture of their social media strategy. Rather than looking at each piece individually, Wave thinks about how all the platforms can work together, putting Pinterest at the forefront. This means that one piece of content from your website works harder for you. It supports what you’re doing on all of your accounts.


Four people are working on their phones and laptops. Photo taken from top-down to show them working hard on their small business.

How does being Pinterest First work?

Since the majority of social media managers don’t know how to optimize the Pinterest platform, businesses either need to hire a separate Pinterest manager or just let it be an afterthought.


Thanks to our Pinterest first strategy, your social media works together cohesively. This puts your knowledge and experience into the platform that yields great results. Say goodbye to hiring a  Pinterest manager separate from your overall social media marketing plan. Wave shares your content seamlessly across platforms.


The result? You save time and money while communicating your brand’s message cohesively across platforms, Pinterest included.


Want to level up your Pinterest game?

Join The Wave Beach Club! You’ll gain access to our monthly newsletter, filled with our best content, tools, and actions to take that will help you make the most of your social media marketing with a Pinterest-first mindset.


You’ll get:

  • Quarterly Content Planners
  • Monthly Pinterest Insights, including what to Pin
  • Beach Club only training videos
  • Early access to our courses and content
  • So much more


Sign up to join the club.

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