Pinterest Promoted Pins 101 + 5 Tips for Better Results

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Pinterest is a social media-like network that has taken the world by storm. The platform allows Pinners (its users) to share, collect, and discover images on any topic imaginable. Pinners not only love to discover, but they also love to plan. This means they aren’t just window shopping, they are organizing for an event, project, or life milestone in the future. That gives Pinterest incredible purchasing power. Pinterest tells us that 50% of customers make a purchase after seeing a promoted Pin on Pinterest. New advertisers may be offered the opportunity to create Promoted Pins at no cost to them through free advertising credit.


There are a plethora of options for advertising on Pinterest. We go in-depth about these in this post. Promoted Pins are still advertising, but they have a much simpler interface with a much smaller suggested ad spend than the more complicated campaigns. They’re perfect for someone who wants to increase traffic to their website but isn’t quite ready for a full campaign.


All Ads are Additive on Pinterest

You can grow your business on Pinterest without spending a dime! Advertising is absolutely not necessary to success on Pinterest. You can absolutely market your business for free on Pinterest and get great results. In fact, our Pinterest Management services focus mostly on organic reach with advertising being an addition to our holistic Pinterest-first marketing strategy


There are a few questions we recommend you answer before jumping on advertising on Pinterest, including promoted Pins.


  • Do you have the conversion tags installed correctly on your website?
  • Is the product, service, or post you want to promote already a proven offer? (In other words, have you had success with this post or product organically?)
  • Are you already seeing success with organic traffic on Pinterest?


If you answer no to any of these questions, try to solve those issues first before investing in Pinterest advertising.


Why should you promote a Pin on Pinterest?

The best reason to promote a Pin is related to indexing. As we have mentioned before, in order for Pins to show up in search, they need some time to index. Promoted Pins show up in search immediately to relevant searches. If you have something time-sensitive to promote, such as a sale or a short-term offer, promoting a Pin is a great way to get around indexing.


Promoting Pins can also give you useful feedback about your Pinterest audience, lead to new opportunities and sales, increase your brand awareness and conversions, and overall help you reach your conversion goals more quickly.

Where are Promoted Pins shown?

Promoted Pins appear in both the home feed and in search results. The difference is that they are targeted towards Pinners more likely to interact with them. Additionally, they do show the “Promoted” tag, however, if someone repins your promoted Pin, the repin does not have the Promoted tag.

How do you promote a Pin?

This is easily the best part about Promoted Pins vs. using the full campaign creation platform. Pinterest makes it really easy! Simply hover over one of your already posted Pins and hit the Promote button. It will take you to the page where you can ensure the Pin links to the correct URL. Then simply choose the daily spend and the number of days you want your Pin to be promoted (or you can pick continuous!). Hit Promote and you’re done!

5 Tips for Better Results: Promoted Pins Best Practices


Promoted Pins are one of the most powerful marketing tools available to brands on Pinterest. Before you choose which Pin to promote, do the following:

Read and follow the advertising guidelines

Don’t advertise on Pinterest without reading this guide! This is such an important step that so many people skip. The guide covers all of the Pinterest policies about advertising, including what types of products can’t be promoted on Pinterest, the things you can and can’t do in your ads, and more.


For example, if you are sharing a free product in exchange for an email sign-up, you must share that in your Pin description.


Read the policies, be familiar with them, and make sure you follow them to the best of your ability. This helps keep Pinterest a safe space for everyone!

Research your Keywords

Before you write descriptions or titles for any of your Pins, we strongly recommend researching your keywords. Knowing what people are searching for and how they are searching for it on Pinterest will help you be more effective in finding people that are looking for you. Keep a list of relevant keywords that relate to your business to use consistently in your Pins.

Use the Pin description effectively

Your Pin description and title should include plenty of keywords specific to your niche that will help your target audience find you. You shouldn’t stuff keywords in a promoted Pin! Try to sound natural. Give your audience information about what will happen when they click and use a strong Call To Action.


It’s also really important that you aren’t misleading in your descriptions as we mentioned previously.

Install the conversion tag onto your site

Before you promote a pin, install the conversion tag onto your site and track your website’s marketing efforts. The conversion tag allows you to track the activity on your website as well as collect data such as time spent on each page, what was clicked, and how they found their way there. Without the tag installed, you’ll miss out on some important analytics about who is engaging with your content.


Understand Analytics

If you use promoted Pins on Pinterest, you’re going to get some great data! What can analytics help you with? You’ll learn what keywords people used to find your profile, the demographics of the people who are interested in your products, and so much more. If you are new to Pinterest analytics, it can be tricky to understand all the data that’s being shared with you. By taking a course or watching informative videos, you’ll be able to make sense of the analytics that are shared from your promoted Pin. This in turn can help you when making new content or products. Additionally, it can also help you with marketing decisions later on. 


Need guidance on Pinterest Advertising?

Here at Wave we offer one on one Pinterest Consulting with you and your team. This is perfect for brands who want to keep their creative and strategy in-house and need a little assistance with Pinterest best practices, Tailwind training, content ideas, and advertisement. 


Fill out this form to learn more about one-on-one Pinterest consulting.


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